
#271 Vannevar Bush (Engineer of the American Century)



What I learned from reading Endless Frontier: Vannevar Bush, Engineer of the American Century by G. Pascal Zachary.----Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders at Founders[7:31] Acts of importance were the measure of his life and they are the reason that his life deserves study today.[8:10] Suspicious of big institutions Bush objected to the pernicious effects of an increasingly bureaucratic society and the potential for mass mediocrity.[8:20] He believed the individual was still of paramount importance."The individual to me is everything," he wrote  "I would restrict him just as little as possible."He never lost his faith in the power of one.[8:57] Pieces of the Action by Vannevar Bush (Founders #270)[9:32] Dee Hock — founder of VISA episodes:One from Many: VISA and the Rise of Chaordic Organization by Dee Hock (Founders #260)Autobiography of a Restless Mind: Reflections on the Human Condition Volume 1and Autobiography of a Restless Mind: Reflections on the Human Condition