
#234 Sam Walton: Made In America



What I learned from rereading Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton.----Get access to the World’s Most Valuable Notebook for Founders at Founders[1:56] The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by Brad Stone. (Founders #179)[5:45] We just got after it and stayed after it.[6:06] Foxes and Hedgehogs[6:39] Hedgehogs may not be as clever as foxes but they obsessively measure and track everything about their business, and over time, they acquire deep, relevant knowledge and expertise. Their single minded approach may appear risky at times but they are conservative by nature. Hedgehogs don’t speculate or make foolish bets. If all their eggs are in that one proverbial basket, they follow Mark Twain’s advice – and watch that basket very carefully.[7:17] The thing with Hedgehogs is that they never give up. They keep at it – and they don’t ever get bored because they just love what they do – and they have a lot of fun along the way.[7:28] Hedgehogs are the ones who build great, lasting co