
#133 Edwin Land (Polaroid and The Man Who Invented It)



What I learned from reading Land’s Polaroid: A Company and The Man Who Invented It by Peter C. Wensberg.----Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. Get your tickets here! ----Subscribe to listen to Founders Premium — Subscribers can listen to Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes and every bonus episode. ---[1:14] He was revered to an extraordinary extent by most of the people who worked for him.  [1:36] Land did not earn a college degree, yet he has received more medals and scientific honors than most living Americans.  [3:36]  Land's life seemed to be primarily a life of the mind. His great dramas were largely self created, played on the stage of Polaroid, which he constructed for himself. [4:14] All of the people that you and I are studying on this podcast created their own world within the world.  [5:55] The end this book made me think of this quote by Steve Jobs: Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever enc