
#132 Edwin Land (Steve Jobs's Hero)



What I learned from reading The Instant Image: Edwin Land and the Polaroid Experience by Mark Olshaker. ----Come see a live show with me and Patrick O'Shaughnessy from Invest Like The Best on October 19th in New York City. Get your tickets here! ----Subscribe to listen to Founders Premium — Subscribers can listen to Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes and every bonus episode. ---[1:42] The word “problem” had completely departed from Edwin land's vocabulary to be replaced by the word “opportunity”. [2:01] What was it about this man and his company that allowed such confidence and seeming lack of concern with the traditional top priorities of American business? [2:38] There is something unique about Polaroid having to do both with the human dimension of the company, and with a unity of vision of its founder and guiding genius.  [3:36] Perhaps the single most important aspect of Land's character is his ability to regard things around him in a new and totally different way.  [4:14] Right from the beginning of his care