Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/6/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, wars are going on all over the world, but President Biden, Antony Blinken, and the American media are focused on Israel. There aren’t nightly talks in the media or daily press events about what Russia is doing and how Ukraine is responding or how Xi is plotting to move on Taiwan. Hezbollah has been firing missiles into Israel and you don’t hear about it. Hamas has murdered aid workers and you don’t hear about it. This administration and the media are the most inhumane propagandist radical government/media we’ve ever had in America. Biden is destroying two countries at the same time – America and Israel. Later, Biden embraces King Abdullah but does Biden care about Jordan’s human rights record? King Abdullah is a killer and a dictator, and his wife goes on Face The Nation, and not once did they ask her about their record. Instead, they ask about Israel’s human rights. It’s funny how Israel is always under the microscope but not countries like Jordan, Qatar, Egypt, or Iran. Also, Bi