Sex & Love Mastery Podcast

Podcast #100 The Soul To Cell Connection: Dr. Doug's Vision of Holistic Healing



Discover how CRQH transcends traditional healing methods, tapping into the quantum level to foster deep, transformative healing.Throughout the episode, Dr. Doug shares his insights on the interconnectedness of our emotional, mental, and physical health, and how understanding this connection is key to achieving true healing and balance. He discusses the groundbreaking principles of CRQH, which blend ancient wisdom with cutting-edge science, offering a unique approach to wellness that honours the whole person.Listeners will be captivated by Dr. Doug's personal journey from a traditional healthcare practitioner to a pioneer in quantum healing. He reveals how his own experiences and challenges led him to develop CRQH and his mission to empower others to unlock their innate healing potential. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a seeker of holistic wellness, or simply curious about the power of quantum healing, "The Soul To Cell Connection" offers valuable insights and inspiration. Tune in to explore how you