Medical Medium Podcast

054 How Sick Are You: Are You Just Managing Your Symptoms



There are two worlds in chronic illness. One world is the Not So Sick, and that world is defined by people who haven’t been totally exhausted from doctor shopping or trying everything interesting in the alternative health world while still keeping an optimistic approach. The Not So Sick still have a passion for managing their mild bloating, mild weight gain, mild acne, mild fatigue and so many other varieties of symptoms that don’t get completely in the way of their quality of life. It can be exciting trying another new trend to combat the mild intermittent complaints. And then there’s the sick, the chronically ill, the ones that have been to many conventional doctors and alternative doctors; they have been seasoned by experience and have seen so much in the health space. They’ve been in their darkest hour or are still in there now, struggling and feeling a loss of faith and hope. They’ve tried just about everything out there and know what keeps them going and what sends them backwards. The Not So Sick don’t