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Rekindling with toxic family - The long-term results of honoring yourself - Even the victim plays a role - Contact or no contact your ex



How do you go about rekindling with toxic and / or dysfunctional family members? Is it worth "going home" and starting up those old, dysfunctional, family get-togethers again? Is it possible to avoid the toxicity of family past? There is a way to return to a toxic environment but it's going to take some courage to be the person you want to be with the people that have always treated you the way you don't want to be treated. I talk about that in segment one.   In segment two, I read a message from someone who shares what it's like honoring yourself. Joshua shares that he's been taking steps to stand up for himself and express his truths to people that he never has before. He is showing up as that authentic person he's always wanted to be and things are happening for him in a way that never have before.   I also share what happens when you choose not to express yourself and instead repress what's going on in you instead. I'll give you a hint… it's depression.   In segment three I talk about what your respons