The Overwhelmed Brain | Stress | Anxiety | Relationship | Critical Thinking | Emotional Intelligence | Emotional Abuse

The Snapping Point of Lasting Change and Finding Compassion When People are Petty



We all have a snapping snapping point and it can change our world when it happens. I remember the first time I stood up for myself. I was 10. We had just finished wrestling, as boys tend to do, and I was done... but he wasn't. I sat at the table, tired and really not interested in wrestling anymore. And he kept saying, "Come on, let's wrestle some more." I was like, "Nope, I'm done. Too tired, don't want to anymore." "Come on, let's wrestle again!" "No. I don't want to." "Come on!" (play slaps my face) "No... I'm done!" "Let's go, let's just wrestle a little more!" I don't know where it came from, but my hand turned into a fist, and my body twisted while my arm swung towards his face. My fist connected with his jaw, and he went to the ground holding his mouth. I sat down calmly and spoke softly, "I told you, I don't want to wrestle anymore." He eventually got up (seemed like 5 minutes, but it was probably like 20 seconds or something - who knows!) and went home. Up until that time, I had been a real pushover.