Satellite Sisters

MSEC314: Madam Secretary Recap Labor of Love



Satellite Sisters Lian Dolan and Julie Dolan discuss the latest episode of Madam Secretary: Love, heartbreak, Peace & Poison! What an episode! It's called Labor of Love and it had it all. This show looked like it was going to be a schmoopy episode about young love, new love and love lost—until EVERYONE DIED!!!!  Storylines:  Love is in the Air—until it’s totally not! The Romeo and Juliet of Colombia show up in America to sign a peace treaty and a trade deal. Unforatunetly, they don’t really love each other. Soledad—the first person to actually be inspired by one of President Dalton’s speech, goes runaway bride and hides out at STEVIE’s apartment. Meanwhile, the future of Acai and Quinoa are in the balance? What are we going to eat in California if this deal doesn’t go through…  Jay’s storyline. Have you heard the one about the three wonks that goes running in puffer jackets? Finds out his wife is actually having an emotional affair with his best friend—thanks to Blake’s Dateline techniques Daisy’s Storyline: