Satellite Sisters

Lab Rats Test Body Washes and so much more



On today's Satellite Sisters, we bring you Julie, Liz, Sheila and Monica from September 15, 2008.  New to you! Monica has a souvlaki situation.  What should she do at the new Pita Pit? This prompts a discussion of bad restaurant names. Liz recalls Cookies and Couscous on Sheila's old block in Greenwich Village.  Monica loves Cabbages and Condoms from when Julie lived in Bangkok, Thailand.  She is also excited about a new restaurant she read about called Permanent Brunch. What's not to love.  Julie wants to tackle the issue of hugging in the workplace.  Yes?  No?  What say you, Satellite Sisters?  How do you know when to hug and when a warm handshake will do?  Don't even get us started on kissing! Liz brings Sheila a new magazine about the single life called Singular.   The Lab Rats Sheila and Monica bring you their report on body washes.  They've already tackled scrubs, soaps and sugars.  They do it for you, people. You can listen to all the Satellite Shows at iTunes, Stitcher and our website www.satellitesis