Sea Hawkers Podcast: The Official Podcast Of The Official Booster Club Of The Seattle Seahawks

6: 49ers recap, Mike Flood interview (Seahawks), 12th Man record



The Seahawks remain undefeated after two tough opponents. Brandan and Adam recap the 29-3 win against the 49ers and follow up with a look at a couple teams that could possibly challenge Seattle in coming weeks. Following the recap, Brandan and Adam interview Mike Flood, Vice President of Community Relations for the Seattle Seahawks, before the game Saturday night. In the last segment, Brandan talks about experiencing a live Jim Harbaugh press conference, and Adam learns a bit of history behind one of Harbaugh's quotes, which may consciously or subconsciously compare the 49ers 29-3 loss to the Boston Massacre. We talk about Skip Bayless as a master bloviator as we take your suggestions on how Bayless could possibly get into the Guinness Book of World Records. It's the perfect lead in to naming the 12th Man as the unanimous pick for "Better at Life."