Liquid Church

The Benefits Of Being Single | Crazy Stupid Love Part 4



There’s a segment of the church as a whole that we often forget about – singles. What’s fascinating is that singles make up nearly 50% of the church. Singles need to know they are valued and loved. Singles need to know that being single is a GIFT. That’s biblical! But, sometimes it feels more like a burden. One key to being single is finding contentment. What we learn in the bible is that if you cannot be content in your present circumstances, you will not be content in any circumstances. You know what happens when two dissatisfied people get married? You have a dissatisfied married couple! Singleness can be a fruitful season and it gives you a benefit that being part of a couple cannot – it gives you the distinct benefit of being able to be laser focused on devotion to God.  Watch this message from Pastor Zach Taylor and discover the two ways you can practice devotion to God while single. #BenefitsOfBeingSingle #SingleAndSatisfied #LiquidChurch