New York Muscle Radio Podcast

7 Foods to Avoid for a Flat Stomach



How to get a flat stomach? Here are the 7 foods to avoid for a flat stomach. Watch this video here:  You might be doing all the right things when it comes to losing belly fat but there are certain things you can do to speed up the process. Sometimes it might feel like you are doing everything correctly and you still feel like your going no where. I can almost bet you are making silly little mistakes. There are 7 foods that I discuss in this video that are keeping you from getting a flat stomach. You will be totally shocked with what I go over. Remember if your goal is to get a flat stomach you must ultimately be in a caloric deficit (eating less calories then you are burning). So even if you avoid all 7 of these foods but are still eating too much you won't see any results! If you need help and have any questions comment below and I will answer them! Here is another video I did on Why coffee is making you fat : Fo