Stay Calm Don't Panic

Senioritis + Mental Health Awareness Month | 158



How can adults connect with teens during their senior year when everyone has senioritis? Senioritis is widely regarded as a right of passage for teenagers. It’s a time when they may push boundaries more, assert their independence, and navigate the delicate balance between adolescence and adulthood. The potential to drive parents and caring adults crazy is off the charts. But it’s also a unique opportunity to lean into that natural urge toward freedom and choose to prioritize connection. So, how can parents and teachers connect with graduating seniors? Also in this episode... Have you taken the Kaizen Challenge? What you should know about bra strap bracelets. Mental Health Awareness Month - Get our cheat sheet on what to say when things aren't "fine". Shop the Teen Life Merch Store until May 24. . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - Teen Life Merch Store - Kaizen Explanation: Kaizen Challenge l Kaizen Tik Tok - MHA: Mental Health Awareness Month - Teen Life Coloring