

At Emotions in Harmony, we are incredibly excited and want to share with you a very special moment: we are celebrating the seventh anniversary of our podcast. It's beautiful to look back and remember how we started this journey. Boy, have we grown together over these years! We want to express our deepest gratitude for being with us on this journey that we continue walking together. Your trust and participation have been essential for our growth and evolution. From the beginning, our mission has been to provide valuable information about mental health and emotional well-being; thanks to you and the entire community we have been able to reach more and more people. Initially we focused solely on mental health topics in English, then we founded the non-profit organization "Emotions in Harmony". Shortly after, in response to your requests, we decided to cater to Spanish-speaking audiences as well with "Armonía Emocional". Thank you for inspiring this change and for being part of our evolution! Today, thanks to