Yoga | Birth | Babies

Why to Reconsider Midwifery Care with Casey Selzer, CNM



Have you considered using midwifery care for your birth?  Perhaps you have questions about what a midwife does or how they differ from a traditional OBGYN.  Today we are going to talk all about midwives.  I think midwives are fantastic, they hold a special place in my heart because my own births were attended by a midwife.  In this conversation we will dive deeper into the midwifery model of care.  What is a midwife?  What are some misconceptions around midwifery care?  How does midwifery differ from a more traditional OBGYN?  What is a midwife’s involvement in labor and birth?  Who’s a good candidate to work with a midwife?  We got you covered on so many topics about midwifery, if you had any doubt of what midwifery was, by the end of this conversation you will be crystal clear. Casey is full of passion and knowledge, I am really excited for you to hear her perspective and all her wonderful ideas!  To have this conversation, I have Casey Selzer joining us today on Yoga| Birth| Babies.  Casey Selzer, CNM, is