Yoga | Birth | Babies

Birth Story: Preparing and Training for Birth! with Katie Lohiya



We’re back with my favorite type of podcast episode, a birth story!  We’ve been able to create an amazing community of students here at PYC.  I see many of these students twice, sometimes three time a week.  I get to know them, hear their stories, listen to their concerns and I am able to share with them what I’ve learned.  Today we have Katie Lohiya, sharing her birth story.  She has been part of our PYC community since she was 13 weeks pregnant.  She attended class 2-3 times per week, even when she wasn’t in NYC she would join online, which I absolutely adored. I was able get to know Katie well.  We have a similar background, we are both dancers and performers and I resonated with her.  When I asked her to share her birth story she said “absolutely.” Katie tells a beautiful birth story.  I am deeply honored that as she was explaining her story, her time at PYC was very much interwoven into her birth.  I am very appreciative that the time we spent together helped her throughout her labor experience.  On toda