Yoga | Birth | Babies

Why You Need a Doula with Jeanna McNeil



What is a doula and why would you want one?  In today’s episode we will discuss what a doula is, how they play a role in birth, and their ability to enhance what a partner can offer.  I was a labor and support doula for over ten years and know first-hand the benefits of using a doula. Doulas support every family and every type of birth, not just unmedicated births.  It’s not necessary to have one type of birth in mind to receive the assistance of a doula.  During this podcast we will talk about the hard evidence that points to the benefits of having a doula in labor.  This data may help you feel more confident about your choices moving forward.  As a bonus, we also go over questions you may use when you are interviewing a doula.   To go deeper into this conversation on Yoga| Birth| Babies, we have Jeanna McNeil. She is a birth doula, birth photographer, & maternal mental health advocate. Her passion is serving women and families locally in Alabama and virtually all over the world.  Jeanna would like to share