Yoga | Birth | Babies

How to Prepare for a Physiological Birth with Krisha Crosley



Have you thought about approaching birth from a physiological standpoint? Today we are going to talk about how to best prepare for a physiological birth. Let’s discuss why it’s important to physically and mentally prepare for birth and not just “wing it” and see what happens. We’ll explore how you get your partner involved, if you’re partnered. Getting your doula and care provider all on the same page is crucial for your birthing experience. Let’s not forget about the pelvis! We’ll discuss how to prepare the pelvis and the pelvic floor. We can’t have a conversation about birth and not include how essential the pelvis and pelvic floor is, am I right?!  To have this conversation, I have Krisha Crosley joining us today on Yoga| Birth| Babies. She is Serenity Life Doula, natural birth coach and natural birth trainer.  This is a fantastic conversation! Krisha has such great advice to offer you. Krisha is hardcore, but I appreciate the way she trains. It’s really a full body experience offering. While she is an eli