Yoga | Birth | Babies

How to Navigate the Stages of Labor with Ashley Brichter



Have taken a childbirth education course or read books about the stages of labor? We are going to break away from the medical idea of dilation equally in the stages of labor and talk about it organically and flexibly to what the body is showing you during the stages. We’ll touch upon the behavior of the birthing person, sounds they may make, how they’re moving in their body, communication and if the labor projects have been stopped to a halt. It’s a great topic to think about who is in front of you laboring or maybe you’re the laboring person and this is happening to your body, as opposed to what we’ll see in a medical labor book.  To have this conversation today, I’ve invited Ashley Brichter. Her first birth did not go as planned which she will share with us. She is founder of Birth Smarter, doula, childbirth educator and parent. Born and raised in NYC, she currently lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She has a lot of knowledge and information to share with us.  Ashley provides us valuable information about what