Yoga | Birth | Babies

Is your baby hitting their developmental milestones? with Jackie Dolson-Shewchuk and Tricia Brown



Have you been tracking your baby's progress? If I'm being honest when I first had my child, I was obsessed with making sure they hit their milestones. Remember, there is quite a range when it comes to this, but it's important to know when to seek help. Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies, it's all about communication and speech milestones for your baby. We'll get into typical communication development, importance of gestures, everyday strategies to help facilitate communication, and what to do if your baby is not hitting these milestones. To have this conversation, we have Jackie Dolson-Shewchuk and Tricia Brown of Chatterbox, who is our PYC studio neighbor!  Tricia is a Licensed registered Speech Pathologist in NY, reaching her Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology from SUNY Buffalo. She holds a Master of Science in Speech Pathology from SUNY Fredonia with 20 years of experience in the field. Jackie is also a PROMPT Certified practitioner in NYC since 2001. Her scope of practice is with children diagnosed with m