Yoga | Birth | Babies

Creating A Safe, Parent Centered, Trauma Informed Birth with Mandy Irby



If you were to describe your ideal birth, I’m guessing that you would describe your care as centered and individualized for you and your family’s needs. Many of you would probably talk about trauma informed care, and more than anything I think everyone wants a safe birth. You probably wouldn’t describe being treated like a new car on an assembly line but did you know that the US hospital system follows procedures outlined by Toyota to streamline your experience?  On today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I speak with board certified labor nurse Mandy Irby about how to create a safe, patient centered, and trauma informed birth. Mandy offers incredible tactics that you can walk away from this episode with. She describes ways that you can advocate for yourself and she highlights the systemic issues of the current birth culture. She explains what individualized care is and how you can create that standard of care for yourself within a hospital. If you are pregnant or just had a baby and this is something that res