Yoga | Birth | Babies

When Your "O" Stands for Ouch with Christina Walsh



Sometimes after baby your “O” can stand for ouch! Yes, today we’re talking about sex after baby. For many pelvic floor dysfunction turns what was once a pleasurable part of life into something painful. This pain doesn’t have to be permanent though and with the help of a PT you can have a better quality of life.  On today’s episode of Yoga| Birth | Babies I speak with Christina Walsh a physical therapist specializing in integrative manual therapy and co-creator of Tighten Your Tinkler to take a very deep dive (pun intended) into the pelvic floor. If you’ve been listening to the podcast you might be surprised that we’re talking about “tightening” the tinkler because you’ve likely heard me rant against over tightening. However, Christina beautifully talks about the balance needed for a strong pelvic floor and what she means when she says “tighten.” Christina and I talk about what new parents should expect when it comes to sex after baby, solutions for painful sex, kegels (how they might contribute to pelvic floo