Yoga | Birth | Babies

How to Prepare Your Home for Baby to Thrive the Montessori Way with Jeanne-Marie Paynel



When you think about preparing your home for the arrival of your new baby your mind might go to a place of baby-proofing and purchasing toys and gear like cribs and high chairs. However, what if you home didn't need more stuff? Today we're looking at how to create an environment that encourages your baby's growth and honors their developmental stages through the Montessori lens To have this conversation, I invited Jeanne-Marie Paynel onto Yoga | Birth | Babies. Jeanne-Marie is a parenting mentor, Montessori home consultant, a doula, host of The Art of Parenting podcast and founder of Your Parenting Mentor. We have a fantastic conversation and in full disclosure I drink the Montessori punch. Both my kids went to Montessori preschools. We took a lot of their offerings and brought them home, so this topic and approach really resonated with me. I deeply value what is being discussed about the idea that we need to get more and more and more to better support our child's growth but often it's actually about being m