Yoga | Birth | Babies

Community Birth Story: From Hospital Birth to Home Birth with Lauren Seidman



Today we have a very special episode, as I write that I’m realizing that I say that about almost every episode because they’re all special to me! However, this is the kind of episode that I hold very dear, a community birth story. These episodes are truly special. I love hearing the stories from our community about their births and what makes today’s extra extra special is that my guest Lauren Seidman has been with Prenatal Yoga Center for four births! Yes, she has four kids. Several years ago Lauren appeared on YBB about the birth of her second child and how she made some choices to go in a different direction for baby two. With baby four, she went in a totally different direction than she did for baby one, two, and three, which is what we’re highlighting in today’s episode. In today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies childbirth educator, doula, and mother of four Lauren Seidman talks about the very different direction she took having baby four. Based on the title, cat’s out of the bag, Lauren decided after ha