Yoga | Birth | Babies

The Process of Weaning with Dr. Lilly Hubschman-Shahar DNP, RN, NNP-BC, IBCLC



Weaning either from breast or bottle feeding, can be a very controversial topic. From when you should do it, to how should you do it, many parents are left feeling frustrated, confused, and even bereft. It’s been a popular topic of late at PYC and this podcast comes by request from my students in Postnatal and Baby & Me classes.  I did an extensive search to find my guest for today’s episode of Yoga | Birth| Babies, to discuss weaning today we have Dr. Lilly Hubschman-Shahar registered nurse, neonatal nurse practitioner, IBCLC and Vice President of Nest Collaborative. Not only does she bring years of clinical experience and evidence based information, she also beautifully shares about her personal journey weaning her daughter. Dr. Hubschman-Shahar offers practical tips about weaning, we talk about parent led weaning and child led weaning, what happens if you need to wean abruptly and the difference between a nursing strike and child led weaning. It’s a really great conversation. If you are headed towards wean