Yoga | Birth | Babies

Meditation for Parents with Kelly Smith



As parents we often find that our day to day self care goes by the wayside. Even though many of us know that meditation is an excellent tool to deal with and prevent overwhelm and anxiety it often feels out of our reach. The good news, as today's guest shares, is that we can reap the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of meditation in as little as 8-10 minutes a day.  In today’s episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies I invite yoga and meditation teacher Kelly Smith to share how you can create a meditation practice that you’ll actually stick with. Kelly shares a little bit about her journey, her podcasts Mindful In Minutes and Meditation Mama, and leads us through a truly delightful meditation. I have to admit that I’m not the best at carving out time for mediation on my own. The guided practice Kelly shares today felt incredible. I could feel the tension and stress that is all the time living in the back of my neck and shoulders softened, I felt so much better after only five minutes of meditation. Kelly shar