Yoga | Birth | Babies

Pregnancy and Parenting as a Millennial with Dr. Christine Sterling



Did you know millennials tend to be more likely to have high blood pressure during pregnancy than previous generations? So why is it that millennials are having such a hard time as parents? Today’s podcast is for all those that were born between 1981-996 and let’s even say a little beyond, (we’re going to dip into Gen-Z a bit too). So I’m talking to you, the millennial, about why pregnancy and parenthood is so difficult for your generation. My guest to have this conversation on Yoga| Birth| Babies is Dr. Christine Sterling, and she has what she calls the “millennial problem. ” Dr. Sterling is a board certified ObGyn, mother, and founder of Sterling Parents. She explains what she calls the millennial problem, how we resolve it, and some of the underlying reasons for this millennial problem. We talk about all sorts of things from social media, to stress levels, to comparison, to the overwhelm of information at your fingertips. Dr. Sterling gives concise tips to help you digest all of this information overwhelm.