Yoga | Birth | Babies

How Does Hypermobility Affect Your Pregnant Body? with Libby Hinsley PT



Did you know that mobility and flexibility increase in the pregnant body? And that this “borrowed flexibility” lingers in the postpartum body? Thanks to the hormones of pregnancy, primarily relaxin our ligaments relax to allow space in our pelvis to deliver a baby. Unfortunately relaxin doesn’t just go straight to our hips, it loosens the ligaments in our entire body. This hypermobility can easily lead to injury, especially in a yoga class.  Today on Yoga | Birth| Babies we’re combining two of my favorite topics into one conversation. We’re going to talk about yoga and anatomy , specifically hypermobility and how it relates to the pregnant and postpartum body. Of course we’re also going to dive into diastasic recti, the S.I. joint, overstretching and the pelvic floor. To have this conversation I welcomed back Libby Hinsley, Physical Therapist, Yoga Therapist and author of the book Yoga for Bendy People. Libby was on the podcast back in 2020 to talk about one of my favorite muscles, the Psoas. Today’s conversa