Yoga | Birth | Babies

What’s It Like To Heal From A Vaginal Birth? With Morgan Michalowski



As expectant parents we spend so much time preparing for birth and life with a baby, often we forget about the recovery our bodies and minds need after labor. Between our culture and our medical system healing from birth is greatly overlooked and under discussed.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies we turn the attention back to the birth parent. I speak with Morgan Michalowski, a certified nurse midwife, women’s health nurse practitioner, international board certified lactation consultant, doula, and mother all about vaginal birth recovery.  From muscle soreness, to bleeding, tears, prolapse, hormonal changes and nutritional needs Dr Michalowski discusses the range of normal and what our bodies and minds need to heal after birth.  P.S. (Cesarean Parents- I’m releasing the cesarean healing episode next week!) Support Our Sponsors:  Boober: Looking for a  lactation support, birth doulas, mental health therapists, and postpartum doulas. Use the code PYC to get 10% off your first service at