Yoga | Birth | Babies

The Ultimate Guide To Sex After Baby With Debra Pascali Bonaro Revisited!



Do you remember the Saturday Night Live skit about “Mom Jeans”? It pokes fun at “moms” and emphasizes that once someone becomes a mother they trade in the sexy body, cute clothes, and sense of self for a frumpy bodied person with poor fashion sense who is fully family focused. Why does society accept the deeply embedded belief that mothers can’t be sexy?  This is one of my favorite episodes of Yoga | Birth | Babies which is why we are revisiting this important topic! I speak with award winning documentarian, author, world renowned speaker and acclaimed doula, Debra Pascali-Bonaro.  Debra and I have a fun and lively conversation about her book, The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love and Intimacy. Debra explains why so many people put sexuality and motherhood into two very different realms and how mother figures can reclaim their sexy wild woman. Debra offers amazing insight and advice for maintaining your connection to your partner and honoring your own personal needs.  Support Our Sponsors  Lo