Yoga | Birth | Babies

Trust Your Body and Release Control During Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Carly Snyder



During pregnancy and birth a certain level of anxiety is to be expected as much is unknown and many things change. However it's important to note ways depression and anxiety can manifest. A common way for it to appear during this time of life is a lack of trust in one’s self, one's body, ability to birth and parent, and a desire to take control of all aspects of the experiences. For many this gets coupled with years of fertility issues and loss leading a lot of expectant parents to find themselves overwhelmed.  In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with Reproductive and Perinatal Psychiatrist, Carly Snyder, M.D. She addresses these concerns and offers pregnant people tools they can use to trust the pregnancy process and soften the need to control pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Carly also addresses the usage of anxiety and depression medication during pregnancy and postpartum.  Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes with links, resources and other related podcasts at: p