Yoga | Birth | Babies

Mom Burnout. Are We Failing Mothers? with Diana Spalding



It was a year ago this week, that the US shuttered by the force of COVID-19, leaving in it’s wake thousands of mothers who feel crushed by an unequal share of the pandemic burden. However, many mothers already felt massive burn out from daily life, the pandemic just highlighted the unrealistic expectations and pressures put on mothers. “I’ll go to my grave fighting for mothers.” are the words of Motherly’s Director of Health and Wellness, author and certified nurse midwife, Diana Spalding. In this week’s episode of Yoga |Birth | Babies, Diana and I talk about what sparked her passion to make changes on behalf of mothers and their overburdens. Diana shares her thoughts on how we can heal and elevate modern motherhood through individual, family and societal changes. Support Our Sponsors: About 1 in 8 mothers have PPD and it can affect not only the mother but also the whole family. The Skylark Clinical trial is studying a potential medicine for women with PPD. For more information about the study and to see i