Yoga | Birth | Babies

Pregnancy, Postpartum, Body Image, And Disordered Eating With Catie Lynch



Watching one’s body change dramatically over a matter of months can feel disconcerting. Combine that with a history of disordered eating and body image challenges, and navigating pregnancy and postpartum may feel overwhelming and out of control. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with licensed social worker, Catie Lynch, who specializes in eating disorders, body image, and the postpartum period. She has made it her mission to help women stop dieting and find food freedom for themselves and their children. Catie shares tactics to find freedom from disordered eating and body image issues and discover ways to accept, embrace and trust your body during pregnancy and postpartum. She also discusses factors that contribute to the unrealistic expectations for pregnant and postpartum people’s body image. Support Our Sponsors: About 1 in 8 mothers have PPD and it can affect not only the mother but also the whole family. The Skylark Clinical trial is studying a potential medicine for women with PPD. For more