Yoga | Birth | Babies

Introducing Anti-Racism to Your Kids with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum



As parents, we aim to raise our children to be good people. Inclusive, respectful people that help move humanity forward. To do this, we have to have open, honest and sometimes difficult conversations about issues that our country and society faces. Simply stating “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you” is not enough. In this episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies, I speak with clinical psychologist, author of the book Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria and former president of Spelman College, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum. In this important conversation Dr. Tatum helps define anti-racism, prejudice, and white privilege. She offers insight into ways people may be complacent, unknowingly moving towards racism, and how “well meaning” parents contribute to systemic racism.  Children are not inherently born racist and Dr. Tatum gives solid starting points to talk to kids of all ages about racism.  Support Our Sponsors: About 1 in 8 mothers have PPD and it can affect not only the mother