Yoga | Birth | Babies

Birth Inequities in the US with Rhea Williams



The reality of birth inequities in the US is not merely an opinion; it is a fact. Women of color are dying at higher rates than their white counterparts, and in some parts of the country that rate is up to 12 times higher. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Rhea Williams, Certified Nurse Midwife and Director of Professional Education and Programing for Spinning Babies® about birth inequities in the US. Rhea shares insight into how the mistreatment of black slaves, the targeted manipulation of birth control, and the inequality of respect and treatment of black people has led to a deep distrust of the current healthcare system within the black community. These societal failures have resulted in women of color, regardless of education and income, receiving poorer quality of care and being more likely to die in childbirth. Rhea provides tangible steps that individuals and communities can take to better support black birthing people.  Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes