Yoga | Birth | Babies

Loss, Grief, Anxiety and Isolation During Pregnancy and Parenthood



Pregnancy, birth and early parenthood, are often a time of family gatherings and celebrations. But now during this unprecedented time, these milestones are being experienced in isolation. This massive departure from how one may have originally envisioned the transition into parenthood can lead to feelings of loss and grief. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Licensed Social Worker and facilitator of our New Mother’s Support Group here at PYC, Jessica Shapley.  Jessica discusses how many new and expectant parents are feeling a huge sense of loss and grief at this time and offers ways to move through this discomfort. She also discusses managing the feelings of isolation and anxiety during early parenthood.  Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes with links, resources and other related podcasts at: If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies To connect with Deb and the PYC Community:  instagram