Yoga | Birth | Babies

Teaching Prenatal Yoga with Deb Flashenberg, Founder of the Prenatal Yoga Center



In this episode of “Yoga | Birth | Babies,” I take off my interviewer hat and become the guest speaker! For the past 17 years I have had the joy and honor of leading group yoga classes as well as teacher trainings. In this podcast, I breakdown the principles from which I teach and train other teachers. For those who are new to teaching or just students who want to better understand my methodology, I hope you enjoy! In this episode, I cover:  The importance of seeing your students! Learning from your best teachers, your students. The pros and cons of demonstrating. Know your demographic: who you are teaching and how they best learn. Don’t be afraid to correct and adjust a student Hand on adjustments- does everyone need to be adjusted? Know why you are touching a student – your hands should be giving information as to how to stabilize or go deeper in a pose. Don’t ignore the student who needs the most attention because you are overwhelmed by their poses. My personal pet peeve- massage or little creepy