Yoga | Birth | Babies

Life After Loss, A Story of Miscarriage and Moving Forward with Dr. Michelle Canarick



In this episode of “Yoga | Birth | Babies” Dr. Michelle Canarick and I have an intimate discussion of loss, as we explore what is was like to move through and forward after a miscarriage. Touching on our personal experiences and Michelle’s professional experience as a psychologist she offers comfort and advice for grieving mothers and their partners. In this episode: Michelle and Deb discuss their miscarriage experiences. Medical options a woman has to deal with an incomplete miscarriage. Advice for the woman who has had the miscarriage and has to face colleagues and friends who are pregnant, support can she find. How often miscarriage happens. Things to consider before trying again. Fostering confidence in your body’s ability to carry a pregnancy full term. Partners may process the experience differently, some ways to help the couple get through this experience together. How to have an open a conversation with your partner so the mother doesn’t feel isolated by the experience. How do partners grieve