Learning Chinese Through Stories




Story explanation ( Part B) of 3.1.5《生活是一场妥协》 词汇;拼音;词性;意思 毕业;bì yè;Verb;to graduate; to finish school 调侃;tiáo kǎn;Verb;to tease 称为;chēng wéi;Verb; to call sth (by a name) 加班;jiā bān;Verb;to work overtime 称呼;chēng hu;Noun;form of address 多少;duō shǎo;Adv;somewhat 尊严;zūn yán;Noun;dignity 生存;shēng cún;Verb;to survive 妥协;tuǒ xié;Noun/Verb;to compromise; a compromise 的确;dí què;Adv;indeed 牺牲;xī shēng;Noun/verb;to sacrifice (something valued) 同龄人;tóng líng rén;Noun;peer; person of the same age 知名;zhī míng;Adj;well-known; famous 外企;wài qǐ;Noun;foreign enterprise 履历;lǚ lì;Noun;background (academic and work); CC 竞争力;jìng zhēng lì;Noun;competitiveness 眼前;yǎn qián;Noun;before one's eyes; now; at present 煎熬;jiān áo;Noun;suffering; torture 憧憬;chōng jǐng;Noun/Verb;to long for; vision for the future 身心;shēn xīn;Noun;mental and physical 疲惫;pí bèi;Adj;exhausted 纠结;jiū jié;Adj;twisted and confused 权衡;quán héng;Verb;to balance (pros and cons) 可观;kě guān;Adj;considerable 描述;miáo shù;Verb;to describe 职业规划;zhí yè guī huá;Noun;career