Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.1.12A 故事《小伙伴》



At this beautiful spring field trip day, Masha found she lost her backpack that had her lunch box in it. Three buddies had different reactions and Masha might have just learned who could become her best friend. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 春游那天,到了中午,小伙伴都在吃午餐,只有玛莎站在一旁。 维加问她:“你怎么不吃呀?” 玛莎说:“我把背包丢了,里面装着面包和矿泉水……” 维加一边大口地吃着面包,一边说:“真糟糕!离回到家还有好长时间呢!” 安娜说:“你把背包丢在哪儿了?真粗心!” 玛莎小声地说:“我也不知道。”说着,低下了头。 安娜又说:“你大概是丢在公共汽车上,忘记拿了。以后可要保管好自己的东西。” 这时,安东走到玛莎跟前,什么也没说,把夹 着黄油的面包掰成两半,把大一点儿的放到玛莎 手里,说:“赶快吃吧。” ——摘自人教版小学语文课本一年级下册