Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.2.9B 故事解读《掩耳盗铃》



从前 cóngqián Noun, long time ago 挂着 guàzhe Verb phrase, (something) is hanging on (somewhere) 门上挂着一个铃铛。 墙上挂着一幅画。 铃铛 língdāng Noun, bell 偷 tōu Verb, to steal 小偷,thief 明明 míngmíng Adv, (someone knows something)clearly 她明明知道吃巧克力会发胖,晚上还吃了两包巧克力。 碰 pèng Verb, to touch (usually without permission) 别碰我!Don’t touch me! 丁零丁零 dīngling dīngling Onomatopoeia, the sound of a bell 铃铛“丁零丁零”地响。 响 xiǎng Verb, (alarm, instrument) make a certain sound 被 bèi Passive word, Object + 被 + subject + verb/verb phrase. 铃铛被人偷了。The bell is stole by someone. 发觉 fājué Verb, to come to know; to be aware that… 掩 yǎn Verb, to cover 伸 shēn Verb, to stick out 捂 wǔ Verb, to cover 比喻 bǐyù Verb, to analogize; Noun, analogy 这个成语比喻做事要实事求是。This idiom analogizes that one should seek the truth from facts. 欺骗 qīpiàn Verb, to lie to; to cheat or 骗 却 què Conjunction word, but; however or 可是,但是 了 liǎo Particle word, action is complete 去得了,can go(the action of going can be complete) 去不了, cannot go(the action of going cannot be complete) 自欺欺人 zìqīqīrén Chengy