Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Vegan vs Omnivore twins study | Christopher Gardner, PhD



Episode #312. Vegan vs. omnivore: learn about the Netflix documentary “You Are What You Eat” and the associated twin study with lead researcher, Christopher Gardner PhD. You’ll learn about why Dr Gardner designed the study the way he did, unpack some key findings, and hear his response to criticisms. From publication, this study gained major media attention that was only amplified by the release of “You Are What You Eat”. With popularity comes criticism, in this case from some big names in online nutrition spaces. Hear the truth about the controversy surrounding this study and documentary, straight from the source. Specifically, we discuss: Intro (00:00) Introduction and background on Christopher Gardner's recent twin study (01:36) Navigating the Challenges of Science Communication and Critique (08:28) Introduction to the Twin Study and Its Unique Design (16:36) The Role of Identical Twins and Defining Plant-Based vs. Omnivorous Diets (22:45) Dietary Patterns and Health Outcomes: The Vegan and Omnivor