Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/13/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Alvin Bragg is relying on a porn actress and serial convicted liar to prove an undefined federal campaign violation that was never pursued by the feds, where Bragg has no jurisdiction, which supposedly resuscitates an expired state bookkeeping misdemeanor statute, and turns it into a felony? This is absolute insanity. This is all intended to convict and imprison President Trump and forcibly install Biden in the White House for another America-killing 4 years. This is tyranny, pure and simple. Bragg is trying to prove today, and every day, that Trump committed the perfectly legal act of executing an NDA. But they cannot even prove he did that or did that with full knowledge, let alone with the intent of committing a nonexistent federal campaign violation. And Cohen’s testimony, scripted as it is by Bragg, not only reveals what a lying sleazeball Cohen is, but underscores that Cohen was the driving force behind it. If every single thing Cohen says is true (it’s all false), why didn’