Mark Levin Audio Rewind

The Best Of Mark Levin - 5/11/24



This week on the Mark Levin Show, wars are going on all over the world, but President Biden, Antony Blinken, and the American media are focused on Israel. There aren’t nightly talks in the media or daily press events about what Russia is doing and how Ukraine is responding or how Xi is plotting to move on Taiwan. Hezbollah has been firing missiles into Israel and you don’t hear about it. The legal and judicial war on President Trump in service to President Biden and the Democrat party is destroying our justice and electoral systems, and America will never be the same. Trump has been indicted for crimes that do not exist and have not been committed, subjected to SWAT raids, and denied protections given to former presidents. 11 Republicans voted to move forward with the failed motion to vacate Speaker Mike Johnson. Those who believe this is a good idea do not understand Conservatism because this is anarchy. Republicans need to be fighting the radical Marxist Democrats who are destroying our country, not fightin