Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeSend us a Text Message.Could the key to unlocking the mysteries of biblical prophecy lie in the ancient text of Daniel's 70 Weeks? Join us for a riveting journey through time, as we dissect the 490-year forecast and decode the controversial final 'week' that has left scholars at odds. Navigating the prophetic landscape, we weigh the merits of two interpretations: one that sees Jesus as the covenant confirmer for a remaining three and a half years for the Jewish people, and another forecasting a full seven years of tribulation led by the Antichrist. Alongside reflections on the messianic 'cutting off' and the temple's destruction, we're diving deep into Brother Branham's teachings, including his visions of Elijah and Moses in the unfolding of end times.As we step into the realm of end time prophecies, prepare to confront the ominous figure of the Antichrist and unravel the threads of a broken covenant destined to plunge the world into chaos. This e