

There's a story in the Bible about Jesus cursing a fig tree, because it wasn’t bearing fruit. The fig tree dies. Seems kind of out of character for the Christ, doesn't it? But it's a cautionary tale for all of us; if we don’t produce the fruit of our kind, if we do not allow that which is our nature to come to fruition, then Life will get rid of our current forms and circumstances. We live in a culture that seems to have been built on a single main thrust of, "Buy more! Get this!" The promise of these advertising messages is that you'll gain more comfort, convenience, safety and security by these external means. But this comfort and convenience is holding you back from bearing the fruit of who you really are. If you want to be free, fulfilled, progressive, innovative and creative, to live a life of true vision and purpose, you have to grow and bear creative fruit. You must allow your evolutionary impulse to have its way with you. By prioritizing comfort or convenience and avoiding growth, you're in opp