

Every day, we experience thoughts and impulses that bring about a sense of joy, creativity, and inspiration. We want to move in the direction of these desires, be guided by them, because these are the soul's expression. This is the emergence of your higher vision. But then you're stopped short by fear. Yes, there is healthy, protective fear: the kind that makes you pull off the road when you sense dangerous driving conditions ahead. But the kind of fear that stops you from coming into alignment with your higher self, stops you from saying "yes" to your Yes ...this fear prevents you from moving the edge of your own self-concept. Fear and its cousins: struggle, anxiety - even frustration and anger - come upon you like an electric fence. The more energy you put into moving in the direction of your desires in the "greener pastures" beyond the fenceline of your current state, the more energy you'll have to put into protecting yourself from this terrifying, painful threshold. Until you break down. Tellingly,