Gymcastic: The Gymnastics Podcast

The Return of Gabby Freakin Douglas



We are posting some of our weekly Behind The Scenes Q&A live podcast is for Club Gym Nerd members because Jessica lost her voice from squealing too much about Gabby. Here's how to ask questions live. We discussed: Everything about the Gabby Douglas official return announcement! No, literally everything -- start values skills, her competition strategy, how she could petition to Classic, how she can do the World Cup circuit and only go to camp once, how to avoid national team camp all together if she doesn't want to ever go to camp etc. etc Spencer explains Gabby's Ling vs a Bi/Ono bars turn National Team Camp scores and start values Simone Biles's all-around domination and which vaults she's competing. Who got hit hardest on scoring E score drama Extrapolating an all black Olympic team from camp results (full scores on our website) To continue the conversation, just login to  your Club Gym Nerd account.  Not a member? Join here. Not sure if you are ready to join? Watch College & Cockta